Secrets of dates fruit

Dates fruit is rich in Vitamins,minerals,iron,phosphorous,calcium,sulphur,manganese,magnesium.These were very advantageous to health.Daily intake of dates friut is very necessary for health and beauty.It is very useful  in many health aspects.Many of us use the dates paste in making sweets to get the sweet taste.This is very useful.This dates fruit can also be taken with milk,curd.Dates gives extra energy to the tired human body.

Some of the benefits of dates:

1.Makes heart more healthy:

Soaking the dates in the water over night and taking those dates in the morning by crushing them gives the healthy heart.Do this twice a week .It gives the healthy heart.

2.Dates acts as an energy booster:

Eating dates daily can reduce the stress and one can be active for long time to work.

3.Prevents abdominal cancers:

Soak the dates in the water over night and drink the water in the morning .It is very helpful to reduce the abdominal cancer.

4.It prevents neurological problems:

Several neurological problems can be avoided by taking these dates daily.

5.Lowers cholestorol:

Dates contain the low fat content in it.Daily taking the dates can reduce the cholestorol .
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