Easy Ways to Maintain Beauty

Every woman is always crave beauty. With beauty, they will feel proud of and not ashamed to deal with the men, There is a pride for women when considered beautiful. Unfortunately, often the care they are doing it is not cheap, Besides expensive, women can spend time for hours in the salon to take care of themselves.

For women who have a lot of money, it is not impossible. But, what about the women who do not have a huge income? The cost to the salon is not cheap. A single treatment course, they could spend hundreds, even thousands of dollars. Actually, we can do it yourself at home skin care. Besides being able to make the skin more healthy, can also cost less.

Here are some ways to make your skin healthier.

1. Pineapple.
Pineapple is a fruit rich in vitamin C and fiber. In addition, the presence of aspartic acid content is quite high in pineapple making this fruit can help to eliminate fatigue and increase endurance. Fruit that include low-acid valine is also good for skin tissue repair and growth.

2. Avocado.
Avocado is a fruit that is cheap and easy to obtain. The fruit has a lot of vitamin B complex and contains oil that has anti-inflammatory functions for inflammation. The content on this green fleshy fruit may help relieve skin irritation. For example, the red skin or inflammation of pimples.

3. Verry Berry.
Verry Berry is a fruit that is rich in nutrients and beneficial to skin health. Who belong to this group are blueberries, strawberries and blackberries. These fruits contain antioxidants that are beneficial to unleash the body's metabolism.

4. Mango.
Mango is a fruit that contains a lot of vitamin A which is useful to help maintain healthy skin. In addition, the content of the mango can help to repair skin cells, in which the skin no longer looks dull. The fruit contains only 70 calories in each presentation, is great for those of you who are dieting. In the market itself the fruit is quite cheap price. In addition, you can grow it at home.

5. Grape.
Grape is rich fruits antioxidants. This makes the fruit is often used as a deterrent from attack free radicals that are harmful to the skin.

6. Broccoli.
Broccoli also contains sulforatan higher when compared to the cabbage family, which includes other types. In addition to good skin health, vitamin B2 in broccoli is good for healthy hair, nails and skin. In addition to low cost, this fruit is also easy to be either in supermarkets or traditional markets.

7. Ibit.
Ibit a red colored vegetables contains antioxidants that are useful to keep the skin as well as anti-inflammatory that can help your body avoid the disease. Besides beneficial to the skin, it is also useful to help women launch of the menstrual cycle, as well as to overcome the shortage of red blood cells caused by menstruation.

8. Spinach.
Spinach contain vitamin A, C, and E, and antioxidants. Useful addition to skin health, the content in spinach serves to strengthen the immune system. It made it easier for the body to infection and neutralize toxins, pollutants, pesticides, cigarette and so on. These vegetables can be very easy, and the price is quite cheap.

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