Benefits Of Apples

Benefits Of Apples
Did you know that the benefits of apples it's so great for beauty and health of our bodies ?, because in the apple contained a substance that is needed by the body and for our skin, substances contained in apples such as carbohydrates, proteins, water, vitamin A, vitamin b1, vitamin b2, vitamin b3, vitamin b5, vitamin b6, vitamin b9, vitamin C, calcium, iron, magnesium, Phosphorus, potassium, and zinc.

The nutritious substances cleanse and soften rough skin and dull. In addition, apple juice can be used as a tonic facial cleansers and toners, By eating an apple every day you will feel the benefits and efficacy contained in it, such as to prevent cell and tissue damage, prevent wrinkles and premature aging, and can nourish the hair.

Apple cider vinegar can also be used to treat acne, It will remove bacteria and excess oil on the skin and are also able to balance skin ph, Way Mix 1 part apple cider vinegar to 8 parts water, then dip a cotton ball, Apply the cotton balls to the face gently, Last rinse with warm water, Avoid rinsing your face with apple vinegar water mixture because it can lead to dry skin.

To smooth the skin of the hands, mix the apple cider vinegar into a cream or lotion that you normally use, then apply The lotion has been mixed thoroughly, while for oily skin problem is quite easy: one apple puree grated way in (exhaust first apple seeds before use), then add 5 tablespoons of honey, mix well, Apply the mask to dry (about 10 minutes, then wash face with clean water.

Good Luck and Hopefully Useful.
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