Bengkoang Mask

Bengkoang Mask
Bengkoang is a tuber which is white with a shape like a top. bengkoang or known by the Latin name Pachyrizus erosus a plant originating from tropical America and belongs to the tribe Fabaceae or legumes, Besides commonly used as an ingredient snacks like pickles and sauerkraut, or eaten directly, Bengkoang has many benefits. Bengkoang tubers contain sugar, starch, phosphorus, and calcium. Yam tubers also have a cooling effect as it has a high water content that is 86-90%. This bulb is great for diabetics because the sweetness caused can not be digested by the human body. This is because the sweetness comes from the oligosaccharides, so-called inulin.
Bengkoang can also be used to remove the black spots on the face, To remove black spots and cleaning, and brighten the face, we can use yam to make it as a mask. To make a phase-mask bengkoang follow the following steps:

1. Take Bengkoang, and grated, Results grater rubbed in the face and Wait 10-15 minutes until slightly dry, and wash your face as usual.

Bengkoang benefits in addition to health as well as your facial beauty. Bengkoang is known to cleanse and whiten the skin including removing black spots on the face. The fruit is very good for the skin because it contains a lot of useful content that pachyrhizon, rotenon, vitamin B1 and C.

So what you waiting for, try the tips above, you will be guaranteed face look naturally white.
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